Friday, January 17, 2025

Wool Warehouse | Apple Blossom Dreams | Designer Page

It's a very exciting day at Apple Blossom Dreams!!!
So many wonderful emotions going on over here: 🩷Happy 🩷Honoured 🩷Humbled 🩷Overjoyed And most of all: 🙏🏼Grateful You see, Apple Blossom Dreams has been included as one of
Wool Warehouse's Designers!!!
I can't believe I'm typing those words!
(This is definitely a post worthy of many exclamation marks!!!)

Here's a screenshot of the page that can be found by clicking here:

Wool Warehouse has been so awesome to work with over the last few of years
and I'm head over heels delighted to be included.
With a heart bursting at the seams with gratitude,
a big thank you to Wool Warehouse and all their lovely peeps!

Stay tuned for a lot more love of Wool Warehouse and crochet and a lot of

Astri Elisabeth