Saturday, April 23, 2022

Apple Blossom Dreams | Apple Blossom Season | Post 7

 Apple Blossom Season - Post 7:

With apple blossom season in full swing in so many parts of the world, 
I thought it would be timely to celebrate this special time with a string of apple blossom posts. ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿƒ

This is the seventh installment. ๐Ÿ˜

Crocheted apple blossoms with an apple blossom travel mug.


A side note:

These blossoms have been the inspiration for the many patterns including the following:

Apple Blossom Dreams Afghan
Blossom Circle Square Afghan
Cherry Blossom Afghan
Macaroon Blossom Afghan (motifs from that pattern pictured here.)
Cherry Blossom Poof
Apple Blossom Branch

All these patterns are listed in the Apple Blossom Dreams shops
Click on the links to take you to those shops.

Wishing you
and a Happy Spring!




  1. Beautiful apple Blossom travel mug to match your lovely circles!

  2. So very pretty. We've had nothing but haze and dust here so feeling rather blah. Need to see some cheery posts to lift the mood. Take care.

    1. Hi Tammy. I'm sorry about the haze and dust; that's no fun! I hope it clears soon. Nice to hear from you!
