
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Crochet for Billy Goat or Billy the Kid | Introduction

After many years of hoping and trying, our son and his beautiful wife
 are having their first child in December 2020.
It's a boy and his name is Billy.

Our DIL has an affinity for goats that
started during our Traditional Norwegian Romjul 
(the time of celebration between Christmas and New Years Day) 
in which goats play a big part...
the *Julbok (Yule Goat) ) if you will.
She loved this tradition so much she even got a goat tattoo???
Oh well, "kids" these days!

From now until then I thought it would be fun to crochet something silly and fun.
A toy for Billy with a Billy Goat theme...

so this adorable goat was acquired for this project:
Isn't he cute?

So now it's time to start crocheting for this little guy!

So far, I've made this little blanket for Billy:
 It was a test from the 
Macaroon Blossom Blanket:
What to make next?
Any ideas?

Oh and here are a few members of the Motley Crew one Romjul:

Thanks for stopping by and checking out the lasted crochet antics!

Wishing you 
Happy Times 



*From Wikipedia: "The Yule goat is a Scandinavian and Northern European Yule and Christmas symbol and tradition. Its origin may be Germanic pagan and has existed in many variants during Scandinavian history. Modern representations of the Yule goat are typically made of straw."

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