
Sunday, December 2, 2018

Rampenisse Crocheted Hat Pattern

You know that you are really back in the swing of things when
you can actually produce a pattern again! 
(OK, well maybe a month late, but nevertheless at least before Christmas.)

With resounding joy, I present the

Rampenisse Hat:

 The NVO is a good sport huh?

There are two options for this hat:

1- With eye-slips and bulbous nose
2- Or turned around above the eyes without the nose.

I even made a blue one for me, Yay!

I don't like posting selfies, but let me tell you that with the help of Snapchat, 
a younger and thinner me can be produced.  LOL!!!

Poor NVO, he didn't get Snapchat filters...but he looks good anyway!
Uh oh, Rampenisse is at it again!!!

Would you like to make one or make one for a loved one?

If so,
this pattern can be purchased at my Etsy shop by clicking here.

Patronizing my Etsy Shop is always appreciated!

Thank you for following along and
as always,



  1. Adorable hat! Love your cute pictures, too!

    Blessings - Julie

  2. Oooh hello Astri been a long time xoxoxo great hat by the way

    1. It has been a long time! Thanks for checking in and leaving a comment! I hope all is well with you and yours. :-)

  3. Well you are having fun you two with your warm and colourful very tall hats to wear in your winter wonderland! So lovely to see you posting again, Astri and creating new patterns!

    1. Thank you Sandra! Finally retired so it's time to start again :-)

  4. You guys are the cutest couple on the planet!
