Saturday, August 27, 2016

Rainy Day Chair-and-a-half almost done!


See the story behind this FREE chair project from this post.
Then progress from this post,
and with a finished back cushion from this post and even more from this post.

The pattern is from 
Attic 24's Summer Garden Granny Square found here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Granny Squares Galore!!!

More Granny Squares for the Chair-and-a-half!

Looks like flapjacks.
Makes me hungry for cornmeal pancakes,
with sausage and real maple syrup.
(My favorite cornmeal pancake recipe is from - click here for recipe.

Oops my mind wanders to food.
OK - back to granny squares.
I don't mean to brag or anything, BUT,
I have made 254 of these little critters,for this chair, so far.

 Time to add the white trim, join in white and
update you on the chair-and-a half in a few days.

See the story behind this FREE chair project from this post.
Then progress from this post,
and with a finished back cushion from this post and even more from this post.

The pattern is from 
Attic 24's Summer Garden Granny Square found here.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Granny Squares and Apples

Working on the Granny Squares for the

See the story behind this FREE chair project from this post.
Then progress from this post,
and with a finished back cushion from this post and even more from this post.

The pattern is from 
Attic 24's Summer Garden Granny Square
found here.

This is my favorite color combination of all the Granny's!

I wonder if we may be seeing a bit of a theme transition from 
Apple Blossoms to Apples...

Oh, the possibilities!

Many, many, many more squares to come!