Friday, November 20, 2015

Rainy Day Chair-and-a-Half Part III

The back cushion is complete:

It's the back of cushion for this chair:

See previous posts for more information on this fabulous chair,
and the pattern that was used and the plans for the rest of the chair:

Part I
Part II

48 squares,
 joined in white with the "join-as-you-go" method.
(This shot looks a little weird, but that's how it goes sometimes. :-) )
White heart buttons were placed here:
For an easy enclosure, tfor ease in removal for washing. 
(White gets dirty around here.)
And this is how it fits on the chair so far...

...and the this is how it looks sitting on the wicker bench,
 under the vintage photos of myself and the NVO as children. :-)
Can you guess what's inside that bench??? ;-)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Wrist Wrapped In Love

My good blogging friend Kim has opened a Etsy shop.

I ordered a bracelet for a Christmas gift from her shop
(it can't be shown on this post, as the recipient reads this blog);
however, sweet Kim included this incredible bracelet, as a gift, for me!
 I love it!

See her fabulous shop, Snug Harbor Bay, by clicking here
 I've worn it every day since it arrived. :-)
 Thank you Kim!
(See this post for more info on the crocheted apple blossoms and where 
to find the free pattern.)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Rainy Day Chair-and-a-Half Part II

This will be the second of many updates on the 
Rainy Day Chair-and-a-Half.
The updates will likely span over a long time since this
is the biggest crochet project ever. ;-)

What am I doing you wonder?

Well, get a load of this...
I hope to recover the entire Rainy Day Chair-and-a Half in

Here's the "BEFORE" of the free rainy-day chair:
So far, just the back pillow will take 48 squares!

Crochet Details and Yarn:

The first five rows are all different combinations of color,
the sixth row and joining row is white.

In other words...
after the first two rows that form a circle, there are
four granny rows with the last one in white on all squares,
then they are joined with the join-as-you-go procedure in white, as well.
I'm using a "G" (4.25 mm) hook
and Stylecraft Special DK yarn,
purchased via

This is pretty much a stash-buster with more white yarn on it's way.
I think the colors that I used are:

Cloud Blue
Duck Egg
Storm Blue

"Storm Blue" and "Duck Egg" arrived after I finished the 48 squares for the back cushion,
they are new colors to the Stylecraft Special DK line,
and I will incorporate them into the next set of squares.

Also, "Bottle" was not added until after these 48 squares.

I thought about using more "Denim" and/or "Duck Egg" colored yarn, 
since the chair is pretty close to those colors,
and I'm still thinking about it...maybe on the seat cushion?
I don't know what to do, I'm liking the lightness of the white. 
Decisions, decisions!

What do you think?

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Rainy Day Chair-and-a-Half Part I

The Story of a Chair-and-a-Half

This chair was on a neighbors the rain...with this sign on it!
 The NVO thinks I have gone and lost it. 
(The plot that is! That's for you Linda!)
Finally that old truck we purchased came in handy. ;-)

The next day it did not rain so I took it apart and
washed the covers in the washing machine,

dried them at the fireplace,
 scrubbed the main part of the chair outside with the hose, a bucket of hot soapy water
and check it out:
It's been draped with the Daisy Blanket from this post.

But these are not the final plans for this chair.
Stay tuned for the biggest crochet project ever!

Can you guess what that might be?
(No roses involved.)

This makes me so happy!!!
 Thank you dear neighbor people!