
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bunny Rose - Sunday Best

Hey, Astri!
Yes, Bunny Rose.
Come out here.
Where are you?
I'm out here, on the porch, relaxing in the sun.
Well...because it's Sunday and I want to show you something.
"Oh my goodness, look at you!"
What a darling little top!
Is that what you have been so secretive about?

Yes, and I have been so excited to show you.

Let me get a closer look.
Wow, that's cute!

It's taken me a long time to make this because I had to wait until you were asleep
 or gone to look up the pattern for the granny rose on the computer.
The keyboard was difficult to use with these paws.
But my paws have become more agile, as I am a crocheting bunny, too, ya' know.

It's adorable!
I am so proud of you, Bunny Rose.
It coordinates so well with the dress that Pri made for you!
And you even made a little bracelet to match.
This explains why you were so tired so many times during the day:
all those late night crocheting sessions! 
Let me tell you, Bunny, I've been there. ;-)

Why, thank you Astri.
I'm so glad you like it.

You're welcome sweetie.
May I take some close-up photos to show my blogging friends,
just in case their bunnies may want the same?

Sure, I'll help you!

Very nice, Bunny Rose!
What yarn did you use?

It's all Stylecraft Special DK,
in raspberry, soft peach, fondant and meadow.
The yarn is soft and comfortable.

 Sounds good, little one!
Thanks again, Astri.
Now, I need to get back to soaking up a few more rays,
as snow is predicted for tomorrow.

Oh and by the way, I have something else in mind to make, as well.

Oh, I look forward to it!
I hope it's something warm for the winter, it gets cold and snowy here.

(I'm glad ultra-violet rays aren't a health risk to bunnies.)


  1. Bunny Rose, you did such a great job on your top! Will you please thank Astri for posting about it? I love those colors that you used - you're very talented to crochet without an opposable thumb! Enjoy the sunshine! :)

  2. Wow she is one talented bunny, I can't wait to see what else she has planned, I'm afraid my bunnies seem to be a pretty lazy lot they just seem to sit there gazing out the window....don't know what they get up to at night though there is always a terrible mess when I get up in the morning! :) xx

  3. Bunny Rose is such a cutie - and she sure is a talented crocheter. Her dress is very pretty. :)

  4. J'adore, et la façon de présenter la saynète et le travail au crochet, bien, bien ;-)
    Bonne semaine Astri !

  5. One very clever little Bunny you have there & what a cute top!! I went over to Ravelry & purchased the pattern for the crocheted heart rug... I thought it would download straight away like all the other ravelry purchases I've made, but so far nothing.... now I'm wondering if perhaps it gets posted out, or perhaps she will email it or something?? Do you remember how your pattern got to you??
    I'm also wondering a lot about those lovely clocks of yours...... do you post to Australia I wonder??

  6. You are so clever Bunny! What a beautiful little top you made. I am sure that Mom Astri was very impressed! xx

  7. Isn't she the most talented little bunny. Well done!

  8. Well done, Bunny Rose! You made a lovely top. You're one crafty bunny :-) And your momma is so talented in designing that pattern. Enjoy the sun and have fun with your next project.

  9. Bunny Rose made an adorable top.


  10. Little Bunny, you obviously had a very good teacher. :) Cute little top. You two have a wonderful week. Tammy

  11. OH I have to do this. I love the bunny. I have a little doll like that already made that I could do the crochet on. I will be following you and come back and look around.
