
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

10 Days Before Valentine's Day...

My True Love Gave To Me:

10 Chocolate Black Raspberry Donuts
Here's the how-to:
(Recipe and instructions found here at the "Cooking on the Side" website.
 Bake up some chocolate donuts.
 Drizzle with chocolate glaze.
 Drizzle with Black Raspberry glaze.
Sprinkle with:
White and pink edible glitter and silver nonpareils.
Ooey Gooey Yummy!
 So delicious they are like fireworks in your mouth!

Hey, I just realized there are 11 donuts here.
I should have eaten two of the dozen instead of just one, leaving ten.
I could have eaten two dozen, actually. :-)
I got all mixed up! 
I should have never revealed that I am an accountant on this blog,
 I'll never get any work, again, at this rate. ;-)
Do you think you would have noticed without me pointing it out?
 Is anyone else as obsessed with counting as I am?
....counting numbers....counting's fun!

Have a Fun February Day!

Stay tuned, as there will be 9 of something tomorrow!


  1. They look yummy Astri, what a pity I don't have any heart shaped tins or I would be making some and of course eating some and probably more than two. I love counting balls of wool and pretty motifs but I hate counting stitches and chains, I keep loosing count and have to start all over again! :)

  2. Now Astri, these are so pretty, but are they really on your CANDO diet?! Says she who had American blueberry pancakes for breakfast!!!

  3. Mmmmmmm - donuts. They look delicious. :)

  4. how fun!!! I have donut pans (though mine are "boring" circles LOL) from a bridal shower - one of these days I'll have to try a gluten free recipe and make us donuts!! Everything is better with chocolate and raspberry :-)

  5. Yummy! I had no idea there were doughnut pans. Sounds like a much healthier way to make doughnuts. Yours look delicious. No, I didn't count them; I was too busy drooling over the pictures :-)

  6. Oh yummy. I would not have noticed the number of donuts. lol


  7. Donuts, chocolate, raspberry.... You hooked me!!

    I'm mathematically challenged, so I know I would never have noticed there were 11 donuts. LOL!

  8. lol no I would not have noticed how many, they just look delicious and you know how hungry I am
    at the moment ☺

  9. Hei
    Klikker på linken Translat for å oversette til Norsk men det fungerer ikke.
    Er det ikke mulig å oversette bloggen din?
    Hilsen Solveig

    1. Hei Solveig - The "translate" button is not working. It appears others are having the same problem. I am checking into it. Thank you for your interest!
