Sunday, December 28, 2014

Bunny Rose: Contributor

Hello everybody!
 I am Bunny Rose and I am now a contributor to the Apple Blossoms Dreams Blog.
I came from Brazil via the lovely Pri found here, but now I live with Astri in the USA.
I am so excited about writing posts during this busy time for Astri.
(We'll still be hearing from her, occasionally, as well.)
I have a lot of ideas (mostly crochet ideas) that I would like to share with you,
but for my very first post (by myself),
I would like to share a few clothing items I have been crocheting.
A dress, a skirt, and some boots that match the vest I made from this post.
I must apologize for the lighting in these photos. 
You see, I need Astri's help with the photographs and since she has returned to work,
the natural light is not available when she arrives home in the evening.

In any case, here are some close-ups: 
this is the basic dress.
Perhaps it looks better on:
The nice thing about crocheting items for oneself is that there's no guessing on size. :-)
It's a good fit, huh?
The dress can be worn alone, or with the vest or the skirt or both!

These are the boots:
They have been protecting my feet from my first cold Utah winter.
(It's not so cold in Brazil.)

 Here is the skirt:

A rose for my hair:
(This actually doubles as a bracelet, 
as my ears and arms are approximately the same circumference, hehe.)

And the vest from the previous post:
It can be worn buttoned in the back or front.
I used Astri's Granny Rose pattern for this.
I have had fun making and wearing these items.

What do you think?
Do you like them?

Astri told me that I can start using her leftover yarn scraps from her other projects,
so I am looking forward to seeing what I can come up with...
I'm thinking of a blanket with matching pillow and maybe a scarf...

What would you make?
I would love to hear your ideas.

Thank you for visiting!
 I hope to connect with you soon. :-)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Grandkiddos Moola Holders

Seven Grandkiddos
Seven Moola Holders
Oops, the red did not photograph very well.

Better in the below photo though. :-)
 Very simple and can be used as an ornament too.
The intent was to embellish these with cute holiday buttons and ribbon
 then a picot edge in white.
You know what they say about good intentions...
...something about a paved road. ;-)
Pattern found here at the lovely
Lemonde de Sucrette blog.

I hope that you are all enjoying the season!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ombre Rainbow Border

 and ready for delivery:
Vintage Ripple pattern from Churchmouse found here.

Border is 1 ch, 1 sc in white all the way around,  
then several rows of V-stitches with alternating colors 
(V-stitch =1 dc,1 ch, 1 dc in same st, sk st and repeat.)
Finished off with a picot trim, in white, included in pattern found here.

 Stylekraft Special DK
So soft and washed up so beautifully!

Aw, that feels good!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Towel Topper V

 Wouldn't this make a great gift with a matching dishcloth?
Love the fabric in this towel.
Towel topper pattern found here.

I hope all is well with all of you this season!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Chevron Infinity Scarf from Free Pattern

 This is a Christmas gift made from the free HDC chevron infinity scarf pattern found here.
The pattern has step-by-step photos including photos.

 Made with Galway Chunky 100% wool yarn.
 and a "J" hook.

I used eight hdc instead of 10 hdc since I was working with a chunky yarn.
Fold in half and then wrap around neck twice.
Comfort and warmth!

These are so quick to make,
this one was made in two leisurely crocheting evenings watching the Teli!

There's still time to make more!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ombre Rainbow Vintage Ripple

I am so excited about this commissioned afghan,
 that's in progress, that I just had to share with you:
I call it "ombre" because each section of color between each row of white is three shades of a similar color.

I used a 4.0 "F" hook and the Vintage Ripple pattern from Churchmouse found here.
It's all Stylekraft Special DK in the follow colors:
(One row of each.)

I think I will continue with several rows of white and then use the same colors
as above, but reverse the order (start with bottle and continue that direction.)

I'll show it to you when I am done. :-)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Better Than a Birthday" Cupcakes

Offspring #3 ("The Condition") had a birthday party this last weekend.
He turned 35 and requested his favorite cake for a crowd of 51 friends.

Thinking cupcakes would be an easier "grab and go" or "grab and stay a while",
the traditional recipe was adapted for this.

 Here's how to make these super easy cupcakes
 that will delight one and all:

Bake a Devils' Food cake mix in lined mini-muffin tins.
Punch holes in the cooled cupcakes with the end of a wooden spoon.
(I tried four small holes or one big hole...four small holes worked better.)
Mix equal parts sweetened condensed milk and 
caramel or butterscotch ice cream topping
and pour in the holes.
(The caramel or butterscotch topping can be used alone, if preferred.)

Sprinkle some Heath "Bits O' Brickle" on sticky tops.

Top with real whipped cream.
(I add a little vanilla instant pudding powder during the last few seconds of 
whipping the cream to help make the cream extra stiff - helps with travel too!)
Then sprinkle with more Heath "Bits O' Brickle" and 
Heath "Milk Chocolate Toffee Bits".
(You really don't need both of these Heath baking items, 
but we had both so I used both.) 

 Keep refrigerated until serving.
Cupcakes may take a bit longer than a cake to make, but are worth it in the long run.
There is no need for plates or forks, and when they are this small no napkins are needed either,
 as they  are "pop-in-your-mouth" size.
(Well maybe napkins, as they can be a little gooey. ;-)  )

Monday, November 17, 2014

Towel Toppers IV

The other half from yesterday's post:
Just a simple light-blue gingham one.
Towel topper pattern found here.
With a red rose!

That might be it for the towel toppers for a while. :-)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Towel Toppers III

It's impossible to make only one of something.
(Sort of like potato chips, but eating vs. making.)
Here is another towel topper:
This time I used an old dish towel.
See here's the other side:
(Waste not, want not, right?) 
Towel topper pattern found here.
Using a rose instead of a button.
When I get on a kick, I get on a kick!
Tomorrow I will show you what I did with the other half of this dish towel.
(The side sans cute embroidery.)