
Monday, December 30, 2013

CANDO Week Ending 5: Stress Eating

I CAN plan to deal with stress.
The deviled eggs are in the details!
I CAN have a yummy alternative to sweets to redirect stress eating.
These eggs went fast at our party this year
 (couldn't even get a good photos before they were almost gone),
 so for next year, I will make plenty more.
They were easy to make, but I do not have an exact recipe;
however, I will make an attempt to summarize here:
Hard boil eggs, half the eggs and remove yolks to small bowl. 
To yolks, stir in olive oil mayo, Grey Poupon mustard, chopped jalapenos, 
salt, black pepper, and a dash of cayenne pepper. 
Fill the egg white halves with this mixture and sprinkle with paprika.
Very easy!

This morning's stats:
Down 0.8 pounds

As you can see, I am falling short of my original goal.
It was that party on December 21st that threw me off a bit.
I've been mulling over this and I think the anxiety of the party preparations and 
the accessibility to many of my favorite foods enticed me back
 to my old way of coping with stress: eating.
I CAN allow and prepare for this next year.
I made some notes and put them in our Christmas party storage container, 
so I'll be reminded when I open the container next year. 

Here are of some of next year's party ideas:
1) Perhaps I can schedule the party during Romjul (the time between Christmas and the New Year);
this sounds less stressful for me and possibly our guests as well.
2) More deviled eggs as per above.
3) An additional vegetable appetizer.
4) An additional lean protein appetizer.
5) An almond meal and coconut oil Norwegian waffle in addition to the traditional waffles.
6) Half the volume of sweets. We made too many of these and
 they were hard to resist the next few days following the party...

 The chart and my goals are a bit off track.
Is this sub-conscientiously discouraging? 
What do you think?
Should I adjust the goal coaumn on this chart for a little more kindness during the holidays
 or just leave it as it is and focus on the red line instead of the blue? 
I'm not sure why I factored in no weight-loss for Thanksgiving
 but stayed with the 1,5 lbs per week during Christmas.
I would love your input!

There are a few of you that have emailed me that you would like to "CANDO"
 along with me starting with the New Year.
 I am so thrilled to have some "CANDO" buddies!
Let me know how you would like to be included.
I can post your progress or whatever you come up with.
Please know that I am renewing my commitment and will continue on
 with a revived sense of resolution with your additional support!

Charted Progress:
Goals:  5 lb loss the first week and 1.5 lb per subsequent week.

 If anyone wants this chart with the formulas, I would be happy to send the Excel worksheet. 
Email me at and I will gladly send it and
 you can customize it to your own plan.
The chart automatically updates with each entry from the data on the left.


  1. First of all I think you are doing amazing, it is the holidays and it is so hard to stay on track. I think you should pay attention to the the red line, there will be ups and downs but getting where you need to be is the goal. You are doing great, don't forget that.

  2. You're doing great so do not become discouraged. I still think it's going to straighten out. Make sure you stop by and see my post tomorrow. I'm doing a "Janathon" that you might be interested in participating it.

    ps - I got new running shoes today. Hubby bought me a pair of winter boots for Christmas that I didn't really like so I traded them for some Nike's. :-)

  3. Lovely Astri I have been following you and really want to join the Cando project - I have put on so much weight over the past few weeks - combination of things such as not getting my usual exercise, eating festive foods and too many chocolates so one of my main resolutions is to get back on track so any help would be fantastic. I have really enjoyed your posts Astri and always look forward to reading your news. I am looking forward to reading all your posts in 2014, have a wonderful time and big hugs to you.

  4. I found it very hard to eat well this holiday season - the only thing that kept me from putting on weight was stress, which kind of killed my appetite. I'm afraid I made up for it over the last few days, though - lots of potato chips and caramelcorn (my self-indulgent junk foods of choice). Ah well. Christmas comes but once a year, and a good thing too!

    Just look how far down the red line has come since you started, and never mind that Christmas blip. You're doing great. I so admire your determination and openness. And putting a reminder note into your storage container for next year is a fantastic idea! :)

  5. P.S. A very happy and healthy New Year to you, the NVO, and all the extended Apple Blossom Gang!
