
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

White Rose Rug Progress

Three weeks left of accounting class,
but in between GAAP rules, deferred taxes, stockholders equity,
 available-for-sale securities, 10Q's, balance sheets, etc., etc...
I am counting...not numbers...but
That's right, roses are much more fun to count.
The white rose rug from this post is half way done.
It will be 8 roses wide by 12 long for a total of 96 roses.
We did not need no stinkin' class to figger that one out!
(Yes, grammar class should be the next class on the docket.)
 Here is the rug photographed from the front of my desk...
and here it is from the back.

The rug will be made in two pieces: each piece 6 x 8 = 48. ;-)
The two halves will be tied together instead of sewn together; hence, 
each half can be thrown in the washer with ease.
White needs to have a back-up cleaning plan, as you well know.
I debated on how to join this sea of roses.
First, I thought, a "join as you go" method would work just like this post of blue mohair roses:
but there was too much space between each rose, for my liking, and a thicker fluffier rug was desired.
Then I thought maybe the rose granny square would be good...and it did not look right. 
The white roses got lost in all that white, although I think a granny square of different colors in this size would have been awesome, but white was the only color I wanted to use for this project.

So here's what I decided on and how it was made to this point:

White roses were made with three strands of worsted white yarn.
Crocheted with the largest crochet hook.
The rose is the crocheted-in-the-round pattern that can be found here.
 Since the rose has eight petals, two petals are easily 
bumped up against each other on each side of the rose.
 Flip the roses over and bend the petals down and 
sew them together in the ch 1 space at the base of each petal.
 like this
 and this
you can even sew them together on the right side if preferred.
Now bump the two strips of eight up against each other and sew those petals together, as well.
(These are just sitting next to each other in the photo, not sewn together yet.)

And there you have it!

What do you think about a border?
I don't know if I am feeling the border thing or not, but I am open to suggestions and ideas.

I would love it if someone made this rug in colorful squares 
like the granny rose square from this pattern sort of like this afghan:
Please let me know if you do it!

I will post the finished rug...soon I hope.
I have so many things I want to post about that I can hardly wait until
 my class is over so that I can get back to blogging more!

It's so nice not working, at this time, but I will not feel the full effect of it until the class is over, 
as it feels like work, but it's all good! ;-)

Happy Counting!


  1. Your white roses rug is really coming along well, Astri. It looks lovely under that table. Will you ever bear anyone to touch it with their feet?! It's amazing all the things that can be made out of one pattern and look so different!

  2. Wow! That is quite a few roses you have there. Looks great and you are so clever to just make two pieces to tie together for easier washing. I would never have thought about that. Border? I'm not sure. Maybe just a couple of rows of US double crochet? To flatten it to the ground. Curious to see what you will come up with.

  3. The rug is so beautiful. It looks very romantic.


  4. Hi Astri the rig is just absolutely stunning ! Beautiful, lovely and elegant and it goes perfectly under your desk. Very classy!

  5. Teppet ditt blir veldig fint!! :-)

  6. Astri!
    Carpet of white roses-are wonderful!!
    Have a nice day

  7. It's beautiful Astri, what a great idea using your roses for a rug like this, I'm thinking one day definitely, I still have many plans for your roses. As for a border I think it looks good without it might spoil the effect if you added one, good luck with the studies xx

  8. Oh, wow what a elegant rosey rug... It will be so very very soft to cuddle your toes into.. what a great idea.. I sorta like it just the way it is without the border. Hugs Judy

  9. Oh Astri, I love this rug. It just looks soooo cozy. Wonderful under that table to comfort the feet while work is getting done.
    Great job!

  10. I love this rug. It's really beautiful and it looks so feminine and delicate.

  11. wow! this rug is a masterpiece...

  12. I would leave it as is - the roses have so much beautiful texture and form a lovely edge on their own. It looks fantastic! :)

  13. I love that rug, just wonderful!
    Very well done :)

    Lluisa x

  14. More than elegant,delicate, gorgeous and a great idea...I love it.Have a great weekend !

  15. Your white rose rug is looking as gorgeous as it promised to! I love your scheme for making. It easy to wash! I think, like some of your other commenters, I'd leave it without a border. How lovely to sink your toes into a sea of roses! Hope the last rounds of your classes go really well. E x

  16. Your rug is going to be beautiful. I have no idea about border. I guess it will look good without border too :)

  17. I'm with Mrs. Micawber, no border is needed. This beauty stands on its own.

  18. Astri how divine and how clever of you - the rug is just stunning, I cannot get over how lovely it looks by your desk. You are a very clever lady, well done. Loved this post, thank you Astri, have a wonderful weekend
    Big hug

  19. Your rug is lovely. I have just found your blog by chance. I will call again. Sarah

  20. You have the best ideas and the most beautiful things.

  21. I can't wait to see it when it is finished ... it's going to be gorgeous!!!!

  22. The rug is amazing, I can not wait to see it all done. I am putting in my vote for no border, I like the free form of the petals and I thin k a border would take away from that.

    Good luck in your class and with the rug.

  23. I think the rug looks great as it is. Doesn't really need a border as that might take a way from the fluffy rosy effect. :) Time seems to elude me lately. Hard to strike a balance between all that needs to be done and all that I want to do each and every day. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  24. The rug is gorgeous! If I make a rug like that I wouldn't dare step on it. I don't think a border is needed. Lately I haven't been able to keep up with blog updates. I am glad I saw this post.

  25. Astri- I'm just speechless - that rug is beyond gorgeous. Omg-- it's so wonderful:)
