Just poppin' in to say "Hi, I miss you all!"
Since we spoke last I:
1) Resigned from my job.
This is the first time I have not worked (nor had an income) since I was 14 years old!
I think I am going to like it.
2) Enrolled in an MBA Financial Accounting course.
Goodness gracious, it's grueling.
Today I finished the mid-term exam; hence, the break to write a blog post.
The course will be over on November 27th
and then I am planning on taking a 100 hour nap;
the kind of nap one needs after 40 years of working,
and an accounting class...
3) Got braces on my teeth!
I will be 55 when I get my braces off. haha. :-D
4) Am planning, tracking expenses, budgeting and cutting back like crazy
to see how long I can afford this mid-life crisis break and still have fun.
It's been fun so far, I'm even thinking about a whole new blog about it.
Hmmmmm...what do you think?
Would you read it?
Any suggestions on what I could call it?
and last but not least, for sure,
5) Started another crochet rose project:
It's going to be a rug of all white roses!
I'm not sure how I am going to join them...
Very simple.
I've made so many of these darn things in the past six years that they crochet up so quickly
and maybe even with my eyes closed!
I need simple right now.
They are made with three strands of white Red Heart Super Saver yarn,
the HUGE crochet hook I used for the rag rugs from
and the rose pattern that can be purchased with an instant pdf download from my Etsy shop
I will post more details upon completion i.e., joining, border, etc.
as I have not yet decided what to do.
This rug is for my new "at home" office:
It's really the dining room that I have converted into an office.
So...now we will begin to dine at the kitchen counter.
As you can see the office needs a rug.
So that's what I am working on in between debits and credits, EBITDA, FIFO and LIFO.
This new "office" is where you will find me most of my waking hours.
It's a sunny spot with a big window and that's a fireplace on the right.
The fireplace will come in handy once the cold weather sets in.
Many items have been moved in here from my former office:
And this beautiful Italian heart paper weight was a retirement gift from a dear colleague.
(Flowers are from our yard and are courtesy of the holding Autumn weather in our parts.)
Ooooooo...and I can't forget the white stapler.
I'm still on hiatus but could not resist the excitement of sharing the rug project. :-)

I hope all is well in your part of the world.

I hope to see you soon.