
Friday, September 27, 2013

Wreath via Precious Sandra

You know, if I would have known how many wonderful women I was to meet while blogging,
 I would have started years ago.
I had no idea the friendships that could be borne of cyberspace.
 I thought I would just simply be entering into a journal, my day-to-day domestic meanderings, 
as a reference to look back on now and again; a diary of sorts.
 I had no clue anyone would be interested in my blog and ideas, let alone become friends.
What a glorious experience it has been!

One such friend that I am thinking about at this time is Sandra in Switzerland.
A talented and creative writer, crafter, teacher and photographer.
Her blog is called Reflections and Nature and is definitely worth checking out.
We have bonded over crocheted roses and a lace clock.
Who would have thought?

Sandra purchased my granny rose pattern and look what she has made:
An Autumn Wreath.
Isn't it fabulous?
I can't stop looking at it; it makes me so happy.
Sandra has posted about it here.
Clicking on the photos will also take you to her post, as well.

Stay tuned into Sandra's blog, 
as she also purchased one of my lace clocks without the roses.
Sandra has her own plans for the clock.
I can't wait to see!

So happy to have "met" you!


  1. Astri, what a honour for my autumn wreath to be presented on your own blog in such a lovely way! Thank you for all the friendly things you have said!
    I am happy to have met you too through our love of crochet!
    May you have a simply beautiful weekend! Sandra x

  2. I love the wreath - it's very pretty with all the different colored roses. :)

  3. Beautiful wreath! So lovely. I absolutely want to learn crochet, but I need spare time and a tutorial. How lucky you have a great talent.
    Have a nice weekend

  4. She did a great job with your rose pattern. Well done Sandra.

  5. It's beautiful Astri those roses keep blooming in some marvellous places, Sandra's blog is lovely too. :)

  6. Astri how lovely this wreath is, well done Sandra, fabulous. Astri I agree with your comments, I am new to blogging and just thought that it would be nice to write something about my own little journey. I have been overwhelmed by the lovely creative people I have met through my blog and I know that my life has been enriched with everyone sharing so generously. I have always loved your blog Astri and your work is simply stunning. Have a wonderful weekend and I shall be popping over to see Sandra tonight. Lots of love as always

  7. Det var ein søt krans ho hadde laga:)
    Eg tenkte eg skulle prøve meg på grytelappane dine ein dag. Det ser jo ut som enkel og grei pausehekling:)
    God helg!

  8. I can't get over the talented people I have seen on blogs, and on Pinterest. I can't keep up with you, but I am having fun trying. The wreath is absolutely gorgeous. I hope to see more of both of your works. xxoo

  9. Sandra made a beautiful wreath and thankyou for sharing here ☺

  10. Thank you all for your wonderful comments! It's a very good thing I had something pretty of Sandra's to share here as I have been up to my neck in my "real" job and nothing real noteworthy to share or the time to stop and photograph and write...but I do have something fun coming up. It will be another guessing game. :-)

  11. Wowie zowie! It's a knockout. I've long wanted to see some of Sandra's crochet - thanks for the link! She is such an amazing photographer and writer.

    So true about bloggy friendships - I am grateful for them every day. Yours especially! :)
