
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Roses and Rose-Hip Tea

Sometimes I wonder if I should change the name of my blog to "Rose Blossom Dreams".
Roses aren't my favorite flower, although I do like them and I am starting to love them.
Apple Blossoms are not my favorite either, but they sure are pretty.
They are so short-lived and that makes me sad but maybe that's what makes them special.
In any case, there's a specific reason why the blog is named
 "Apple Blossom Dreams"...some of you know. ;-)

Oh and my favorite flower... tulips; hollyhocks and peonies are pretty cool too.
What is your favorite flower?

So I do not know exactly what prompted this three year long "rose" kick.
Perhaps it was the popularity of the Granny Rose projects and all the camaraderie they instilled. 
Friendships born of crocheted roses; I like the sound of that. :-)

Oh well, the madness continues and  I see no signs of it stopping. 
So with that I will leave you with a double "rose" post.
 My sweet and very literate blogging friend Elizabeth of the
Thomasina Tittlemouse Blog, reminded me with her latest post of my cabinet full of rose-hip tea...
Her post referred to tea and some crocheted rose-hips.
And seeing how it's been quite hot out, I thought iced would be in order.
So I gathered up some forgotten tea bags,

two types to be exact.
I like the word "Nype" it's likely German, but the same in Norwegian.

Mixed with some water then sun:
And there you have it: tea for more than two.
I love the tartness of this special tea.
I understand that it is high in Vitamin C, too.

Oh, and the rose pattern can be found here.
Made with Swedish Tilda yarn from My Rose Valley in the following colors:
Cream, Light Pink, Fuchsia, Wild Strawberry, Dark Red, Red, Apricot

Don't forget to share your favorite flower and your favorite tea, as well. :-)


  1. Just love the roses gathered round that colourful Rose Hip tea!
    So why is your blog called 'Apple Blossom Dreams'? I do love apple blossom.
    I can't have a favourite flower because it would make the others sad!

  2. Love your roses , and pretty tea !

  3. Hi Astri. I'd have to say that my favorite flowers are orchids - they're so pretty and so easy to take care of. And my favorite tea to drink in summer is just plain old sweet tea. Delicious. :)

  4. Well, you tied that post together nicely. Hibiscus can be quite strong and bitter if let to sit too long. An Egyptian friend gave me iced hibiscus tea once and it was pretty tasty. :) Have a wonderful day. Tammy

  5. Ooh Astri your rose-hip tea looks so beautiful! Got to be full of vitamins and bioflavonoids and all those good things when it's that colour and brewed by the sun too! And surrounded by hooky roses in all those gorgeous pinks - bliss! I don't know what it is about the association of crochet and food but there's something about it - the one enhances the other just perfectly! E x

  6. Your tea looks delicious Astri, I have to admit I have never tried it, my favourite tea is simple straight forward tea, hot with a dash of milk, I do like earl grey too now and then and my favourite flower is the rose, I love them! :)

  7. I think I will pop by your house for a sip of yummy tea and a flower making demonstration.

  8. Looks delicious :-) I love Sun Tea but of the plain sweet tea variety. And my favorite flowers are roses :-) No wonder I love your pattern so much!
    Blessings :-)

  9. Such a lovely shade of ... rose! The tea I mean - and all the roses round it are beautiful. Of course the yarn came from My Rose Valley ... My Carnation Valley just wouldn't sound right. :)

    Favourite flower? That's a very difficult question to answer! :)

  10. Nice rosehip tea and always love those roses!

  11. Rose hips tea... sounds so fresh and delicious. I love your flowers. So matching with the tea.

  12. Hi - my favourite flowers are daisies. They make me smile everytime I see them. My favourite tea is chamomile and lavender with a bit of lemon balm (good for relaxing but very refreshening also). Have a lovely weekend. lily. xxx

  13. Mmmm never tried it bu it looks delicious and refreshing! xx

  14. J'ai soif !!!
    Bon week-end ;-)

  15. Lovely color theme Astri! Thanks for always sending link love. I am so pleased to see you still enjoy your Tilda yarn. I am dying to crochet myself but are on strict restrictions... Rest from the crochet hook it is for another few days at least and I feel like a junkie on withdrawal.... Aaaaaahhhh.
    Happy hooky Sunday!
    My Rose Valley
