
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Quarterly GNOI!
 (Girls Night Out/In!)
Four Gals, Four Seasons
Dinner and a Craft
I hosted "Summer"

The project:
Gardening with Coffee Cans

(hope these flowers perk-up)



So fun.
Painted them with simple acrylic paints...whatever we had.
Then sprayed them with Heavy Duty Varathane:

 "D", "S" and "T" during

 "S", Me, and "T" during
(Green painting tank top, Ugh!)

 More of "D" during
(So sorry I didn't get "D's" pretty head in this photo) 

 More of "S" during

More of "T" during

After...drying in the sun
Oooo...and let me tell you there was sun!
90 plus degree sun!!!

Then we nailed and drilled holes in the bottom for drainage.
(Truth be told, this should have been done first.)

I drilled two holes in the sides of mine, threaded white twine
 through them and hung from the fence posts in the side garden:

To coordinate with the current flower color theme:

 And to coordinate with the hooky color theme:

We also had fabulous dinner and drinks that I neglected to photograph. :-(
 But here's a recap:
"D" brought Quinoa salad and chips and guacamole.
"T" brought tart and sweet apples with cream cheese toffee dip.
"S" brought a frozen key lime pie.
I made Mexican Acorn Squash Soup with Smoky Chicken and Spicy Seeds.
Recipe for soup can be found here at the awesome Health-Bent site.

Wishing you a summer full of
friends, flowers, and food!


  1. Great party! Looks like you had so much fun. I love the painted tins, they look so cheerful!

    1. Thanks Barbara. You are right, a cheery way to recycle some coffee cans.

  2. What fun!!!!! I love the coffee can planters!! Hey, I was going to send your package yesterday, but never made it to the PO. It will be my first stop today though. So be on the lookout for a little box to arrive your way.

    1. Thank you Kris - I am so excited for the package. You are so thoughtful!

  3. What a beautiful day. You've inspired me to ask my sister Laura to start saving coffee cans for me. I love them hanging on the fence. :)

    1. That's great. It's amazing how quickly you can collect them once he word is out. People have a hard time throwing them away and love that they will be used for something. My husband also collected some form his work.

  4. That is so so pretty!! Love your coffee can idea !! They look very cute after painting :) your garden flowers look beautiful !! I am a beginner in gardening, hopefully someday, I will be successful in creating a mini garden.

    1. Oh you will be successful. You already have a great start!

  5. How lovely, what a brilliant day. The cans are so pretty! wish we had the sun it's cold and rainy here, doesn't really inspire such lovely craftiness, but I live in hope. :)

    1. Keep hoping Linda...and I will hope for a little cool break.

  6. What a great way to display your new pots!! The colors are bright cheery and say summer!

    1. Thank you Jen. And boy is it ever summer around here!

  7. What a lovely idea Astri! Such fun all to have a go at the same project at the same time with a seasonal theme and bring and share wonderful food at the same time - sounds a perfect summer afternoon to me. Now to scout around for a coffee can or two to paint, methinks! Love the way you've hung yours on the fence like that. E x

    1. Thanks E! I can only imagine how cute your cans will be....I picture something wild! ;-)

  8. Wow Astri - it looks like you all had a fantastic time.


  9. Wow, what a super great idea. so pretty and colorful... Love them all. Hugs Judy

  10. Jolie partie de peinture en bonne compagnie, j'adore ce genre d'activité partagée dans la convivialité !! Et en plus le résultat est magnifique. Que c'est joli dans le jardin !!!! On fait vraiment de jolies décorations sans dépenser beaucoup d'argent.
    Il fait beau dans ton jardin :)
