Remember this?
From here?
It's been joined with this:
To create this:
An Urban Slouchy Bobble Hat
The pattern was modified from here to incorporate bobbles.
Bobbles make me happy!!!
I started the repeat of the pattern at row 6 (56 around) instead of tow 7 (72 around).
Then at row 12 added a bobble every 8th stitch (7 dc between each bobble).
The bobble row was repeated every other row until I started with the rust colored yarn.
Boy, has the stash-busting ever been a good thing:
Oh, just you wait until March,
do I ever have the ultimate acrylic stash-busting coming up!
(Hey that's tomorrow, isn't it...Where does the time go?
Once again, it must be those darn *Langoliers.)
"A large ball of teeth that works with its buddies to eat the world of yesterday to make room for today."