
Friday, January 11, 2013

Stash-Buster Challenge 2013

Just in time to help out with New Year's resolutions,
two crafty ladies have joined together to help us all "bust our stash" in 2013:
UK Linda of Linda's Crafty Corner blog
and Guatemalan Ana of Lanas de Ana blog

American/Norwegian Astri is joining along!
(It's always fun to refer to oneself in the third person :-) )
Click here if you would like to join, as well.

 I am so excited about this, in fact I have already made two projects while 
my bunad posts were posting, and I'll start another one tonight. 
I have been so looking forward to this day, to tell you all about it.
I love "Show and Tell".
 The crochet is like therapy; it's helping me recover from 60-65 hour work weeks since October. 
Work was so busy that we even ignored Christmas this year. 
I hope that doesn't happen again.
The NVO has been so patient, loving, kind and helpful.
(That was random, but I felt the urge to include it. PLUS if I mention him I can include the NVO as a label then show him my category count and say "See honey, I love you almost as much as crochet. :-))

I have so much crochet fun to share with you for this New Year; however, 
first I must share my stash in photos, 
(these are the rules and I make every effort to follow the rules, 
as some of you know, I am THE rule follower! - or at least I try.)

Here are the stashes:
 This is the wool or wool blend stash.
My first project, that I will share with you tomorrow, will be made out of yarn from this stash.
This is what it looked like once I pulled it out of their plastic baggies:
Looks better, huh?
In addition to this, I rounded up another full skein of the light blue...not pictured here.
It was a good thing because I needed it!
(Oh, I just got shivers of delight, I am so excited to show you the projects tomorrow.)

OK, back to the stashes:
 Here's the acrylic bin.
I'm trying to get off acrylic, but it's just so cost effective for a "frugal afghan maker"
 such as myself...and I can find any color!!!

 On the right, in this photo, you will observe the cotton yarn in a bag.
I'm thinking about making wash/dish clothes like my friend 
It will be nice to have some gifts handy.
The item on the left is an entire Fair Isle Afghan Crochet kit that has never been started!

And last but not least:
Cotton crochet thread - I had a big project in mind...I would edge a bunch of 
brightly colored pillowcases.
Well, as you can see the red one is the only opened one and it was used on this pillow:
and then I was apparently done with the thread...onto another project I suppose. ;-)

Please note every one of these containers was in a different room, and we have a tiny house.
Once the stash busting is complete, I hope to have one (organized) container 
and a couple of WIP's displayed.

Oh, and BTW, 
I have not shown you the bin of uncompleted projects, 
does that count as stash too?


  1. Très bonne idée pour vider les tiroirs :)

    1. I'm feeling a need to simplify and organize1

  2. Gleder meg til å se hva du tryller frem etterhvert :-) ha en hyggelig helg. D

    1. Should be interesting and diverse, I hope. I tend to make the same types of things over and over.

  3. Your stash is much more organized than mine. Can't wait to see what you've made. Have fun with the washcloths -- they are quick and easy to do. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

    1. The washclothes will be so fun, but the cotton will likely be the last stash to attack.

  4. Welcome to the challenge for 2013! You have made a good start organizing, and now it is time to crochet...and show the projects. I can´t wait to see what you already made! Also show us the other projects you did not finish last year (the scarf I posted yesterday was started last year too!). I love the pillow with the crochet edge. You should make more...

    1. Oh goodness the unfinished projects are hidden away and spread all over the house too!

      I do want to make the pillows...too many projects too little time!

  5. Oh golly - good for you! I loved your comment about "getting off acrylic" - it's kind of the junk food of fiber crafts, isn't it? Easily obtainable, cheap, and comes in too many irresistible flavours. :)

    Can't wait to see your makes.

    1. Boy, isn't that the truth! So very irresistible.

  6. Welcome to the challenge Astri you have a beautiful stash there, I have 3 unfinished projects too one of which is your rockman cal, this is all from my stash too. I'm so looking forward to seeing your finished projects, have fun! xx

    1. Thank you Linda. Oh yes the Rockman CAL - you are so sweet to follow along with that one.

  7. Hi Astri - thanks for the heads up for the stash busting challenge - just what I need to kick 2013 off in the right direction! Have fun and see you around x

    1. That's great, it's been a lot of fun so far and I just started! It's nice to hear from you.

  8. Takk for tipset! Jeg skal også melde meg på. Garnslankinga er forsåvidt allerede i gang her. Har strikket luer til den store gullmedalje mens vi har kjørt buss i timesvis til og fra konsertstedene denne uka.

    Gleder meg til å se hva du får til :-)

    1. I am happy you are joining in. I can only imagine what a lovely stash you must have. Dale baby wool, perhaps?

      It is always good to have a project for the road trips. My favorite time to play with yarn.

  9. i love the way your arrange your yarn

    1. Thank you - I hope it will be less and better arranged after. :-)

  10. Can you believe that I have 2 completed afghans (one of them in on my lap at the moment with a cat on it(me) ) that I have yet to weave the peshky ends into? *sigh*
    I have a yarn stash - but mostly, they are all brand new skeins awaiting me to make them into something! I am 4 squares into a granny square afghan.
    Your scarf is super cute btw!

    1. Aw, an afghan and a cat. That sounds cozy! Good luck on the granny square afghan.

  11. PS...give up on my acrylic yarn? Noooooo!!!!
    But I will be getting some super yummy wool yarn for my birthday (October)

    1. Haha, I really don't think I can give up my addiction to the acrylic.

      What a wonderful b-day gift...yummy wool yarn.
