
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nordmøre Bunad Post #3 - Belt

Nordmøre Bunad Belt
These little diamond shaped pieces remind me of a pine branch with berries.
The belt pieces coordinate with the jewelry:
and coordinated items make me happy!


  1. Det er flott med sølvbelte:) Frå gamle dagar heiter det at det berre er gifte kvinner som kan gå med sølvbelte til Sunnfjordbunaden (som eg har). I dag brukar "alle" det. Eg synest ikkje at eg kan forsvare å bruke så mykje pengar på det, sidan eg ikkje brukar min bunad så ofte... uff, det er vel eit par år sidan sist eg hadde den på!

    1. I may very well go a few years too without wearing it, but I will make every effort to wear it on the 17th of May!

      Interesting about the married women in the old days being the only ones that can wear the silver belts. I like that and I am very married!

  2. Chaque pays a ses traditions et son orfèvrerie, c'est remarquable cette ceinture et ces bijoux. J'attends de voir ces magnifiques ornements portés.
    Très belle semaine à toi et les tiens :)

    1. The belt will be a little trickier to wear, but I did wear the earrings and pin to work today. I felt so Norsk and so loved! :-)

  3. How beautiful these are - I love silver and anything filigreed or embossed. Now I see why the Norwegian sweaters have such beautiful intricate metal clasps - it's all part of the same theme.

    The brooch reminds me a bit of some Native American jewelry. :)

    1. That may explain why the NVO liked them so much, as well. He speaks a little Navajo and went to UNM. :-) He loves the southwest stuff.

  4. I don't know what Nordmøre Bunad means but this belt is amazing.
