
Sunday, September 9, 2012


 Hello Friends!
An update on what's happening over here at Apple Blossom Dreams:

Do you remember this "Little Bug" that graduated with a B.S. in May?
Well, she's not done with school quite yet, as she is headed out for a Masters in Public Health in the Fall of 2013 and you know what that means?

 You may have guessed it, or you may have not, so I will tell you:
It means I have until then to complete her scrapbooks from birth through high-school graduation.
Cuz' it's not really an empty nest until their "stuff" is out of the garage, right? :-)
The ultimate procrastination project is now finally rolling. 
300 plus photos to be completed, scanned, backed-up and the originals packed up and ready to accompany "Little Bug" on her journey.

Before my intense crocheting days, I was every bit as obsessed with scrapbooking.
Now I must refocus and complete the task at hand and, by golly, have fun doing it!
 What truly makes this fun is that "Little Bug" comes over every Sunday and we scrap together.
I suppose this will continue until a man friend or second job enters the picture. :-)

 The scrapbooks are simple in order to crank the pages out to take advantage of the limited time we both are willing to dedicate...
 We are all set-up in the dining room indefinitely...
in hopes to "wrap it up" by Christmas, so we'll have a spot to dine for Christmas Eve dinner.
It's a sunny spot that welcomes us with everything we need.
Once again the NVO is, as always,
supportive and patient with the crafty messes I make.
Thanks NVO!!!

My blog gets a bit neglected in an attempt to polish off a project that has been neglected for years, but I must seize the opportunity before "Little Bug" is geographically out of reach and time slips away. :-(
In addition, changes at my place of employment and the acquisition of a couple of used scooters along with the safety/riding training, licensing and everything that goes along with owning two more things (exhausting, but 90 mpg was too hard to resist), and training for my first 5K on New Year's Eve, becomes a bit overwhelming, so something must go for a while.
Stick with me, I'll be back in full swing before you know it, and I am still in hopes to produce a simple CAL sometime this Autumn, in addition to a report on Rosemaling camp that goes down at the end of the month. And I thought an empty nest was going to be less busy?
Where does all the time go?
The NVO claims the "langoliers" eat it.

If my comments are few and far between on your blogs, please know that I am still checking in from time to time and as always smiling and getting all those good feelings from following the wonderful glimpses into your lives. Thank you for sharing!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!


  1. You sound like you have a full, fun and satisfying life! My poor scooter sits in the garage - not working. But I can't use it - the thick handlebars messed up my thumbs. But I so enjoyed taking the motorcycle course with my Hubby back in 2010. I still think it is funny that I have a motorcycle license (took the course with my scooter). Maybe I should trade my scooter in for a different one that has thinner handlebars. I love it because it had a vintage Vesta look. You should post about your scooter. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Merci pour ce bel article explicatif !
    Je vois que le scrapbooking est aussi un passe-temps favori, un de plus :) Il est vrai que s'adonner à ce genre d'activité prend beaucoup de place !
    Bon courage dans l'organisation du travail et des "obligations" de blog :)
    Have fun !!!!

  3. Have fun Astri. I miss your beautiful crocheting!
    Look forward to your updates and CAL :-)

  4. Scrap booking.....what fun! This is a perfect way to spend time making great memories with the ones you love. Have fun! Shari

  5. Scooters! How fun. Mr. M loves his, and quietly gloats over the amazing gas mileage he gets (as he rides along in his motorcycle helmet and Day-Glo green safety vest).

    I think you should have a RAL sometime - Rosemaling Along. Speaking of, we just visited a locally famous Norwegian bakery/restaurant the other night - it was decorated with all kinds of rosemaled plaques. Of course I thought of you the whole time we were there. :)

    Your scrapbooking is adorable - and I would never call it "simple". It looks perfect to me - interesting without being too busy, the pictures and embellishments balanced and perfectly suited to each other. Have fun completing your trip down memory lane!

  6. The scooters are awesome. I'm in hopes to get more comfortable with them with time...but the "no bumpers" thing is terrifying! I'm with Mr. M - helmet and safety vest.

    Oh yes, a RAL would be fun! We could rosemal our scooters!!!

    Thanks for the encouraging comments y'all!

  7. That is a big project for sure. I started with birthday diaries and all sorts of firsts for my boys that never were continued or completed. I wouldn't even know where to find half the photos and boys aren't quite as interested in documenting the past as girls are. I like scrapbook pages that are simple -- used to do lots of books for my friends, and would make cards and tags, but haven't done that in a while. Getting organized would help because then I could find my supplies. It seems like everyone's lives have gotten busier lately. Congrats to your daughter on her accomplishments. My oldest son graduates high school this year and has absolutely no idea what he wants to do or where he wants to go for college. Take care! Hugs and blessings, Tammy
