
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Garden Update

 Flowers coordinated with none other than last years crochet projects:
Summer Granny Cushions from this post.
Flower Power Cushion from this post.

And now for the edible stuff:
 Zucchini and Beans
  Cukes, Eggplant and Herbs
 Eggplant Blossom
  Cukes, Eggplant and Herbs (From different angle.)
 Sunflower that just showed up one day.
This one really has us perplexed....we have no idea where it came from.
More of the Mysterious Sunflower
 Beans and Grapes.
Spinach and Romaine were once here, as well...too hot now.
 Our first grapes!
 Peppers, Tomatoes and Squash
 Spaghetti Squash
 Squash and Tomatoes

Purchasing "local" is good...
but a harvest in your own back yard isn't too bad either. :-)
Have a Summery Day!


  1. Astri, you not only do beautiful crochet work, you have a green thumb, your yard is meticulous. Lots of hard work and love here, and it shows. I enjoyed this post very much. Inspiring. xo

  2. Lovely colour co-ordination there Astri, nothing nicer than home grown goodies :)

  3. Nydelige blomster og hekling. Så mye godt i hagen din. Jeg har også druer, men sommeren i år er så kald at jeg tviler på at de rekker å bli modne. Her er det en litt trist dag med tanke på det som skjedde på denne datoen i fjor. Vi mistet ingen av våre nærmeste, men det var et tap for hele landet med alle de flotte ungdommene som ble drept. Kos deg med alle de gode tingene du kan høste fra egen hage. D

  4. Lovely bright crochet and looks like a very productive garden!

  5. Those are just the sort of flowers and colour combinations I love! I adore lobelia but for some reason just can't get it to grow in our planters (it always dries up and dies). It's perfect with the orange marigold and the pop of red petunias. Aren't eggplant blossoms the loveliest shade of purple?

    Your raised beds look wonderful - are you doing "square foot gardening"?

  6. Much gratitude for your awesome comments.

    Yes, this is SFG (square foot gardening and it rocks!) The NVO and I took a class two years ago. And to be honest, I do the crocheting and the NVO tends to the garden. His is the thumb that's green. (I've been trying to get him to crochet with no luck...his father tatted so I thought I would have a chance. Nope. :-) )

    Oh and yes the eggplant blossoms are a most perfect color. I am quickly becoming a fan of purple.

  7. Magnifique potager bien aorganisé, de quoi cuisiner de délicieuses ratatouilles agrémentées d'une pointe de basilic !!!! Et ces jolies grappes de raisin c'est pour le futur vin ?
    Assis parmi les confortables coussins crochetés avec amour, c'est le paradis ici !
    Bonne journée Astri.

    1. Merci Domy! (Hey, there's another French word I know, an important one too).

      Ratatouille and wine, yes! I made the first ratatouille last year...I had not heard of it before. Delicious.

  8. Love the colours. ♥ How do you connect the squares, Astri? It's a "board" or seam between them (red in the pictures above), do you crochet it? Do you have a tutorial? :-)

    1. Hi Lena - That's just a single crochet. :-) Simple.

      Thank you for the comment and have a good day.

  9. Gorgeous colours :)) and a productive vegie garden to boot.. Well done.. nothing like home grown :))

  10. Having a garden in your backyard is absolutely wonderful. Everything looks like it is growing really well. A surprise sunflower is a lovely gift. And your crochet work is lovely, too. Best wishes for a great week. Tammy

  11. Lovely crochet and lovely garden. My neighbor walked over yesterday and gave me three eggplants from her garden. I have never eaten eggplant. I don't know what it taste like or even if I would like it. What do I do with it? My neighbor said I could fry it. Oh, boy...guess i have to research it on the internet. LOl!

  12. Wonderful garden pictures, you are going to have such a big harvest !!
    I love your crochet work, such wonderful colours.
    Have a great day.

  13. Je viens voir si le tournesol est en fleur ;p
    Belle journée !
