
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Can't Stop 'til I get Enough!

Roses, Roses, Roses

 You'd think enough is enough and you'd think that BLUE was enough, but NO!!!,  the madness continues beyond BLUE, as two skeins of this delectable mohair yarn had been purchased:
GRAY TOO!!!!'s delicate softness has me hooked....
Yarn purchased at "The Twisted Stitch" on a recent trip to Monterey, CA.
In the event that you intend to use this type of yarn for roses, please try to make *frogging unnecessary, as this does not work with this type of yarn.
According to the shop owner, who I believe was British (and I just can't get enough of the British, too) *frogging is unraveling or undoing. The tiny little soft hairs cause all sorts of havoc, but is is so worth the final outcome. :-)
I don't even know why I am making them or what they will be, all I know is that...
 I can't stop 'til I get enough!
Any ideas?
Shall a support group be sought out for the "Rose" addiction?
Anyone feel the same way?

If you dare to get hooked, as well, the pattern is "The Rose" from
 "The Granny Rose CAL" and can found here. )
Have a Rosy (or Rosie) Day!!!


  1. Those are so Beautiful!!! So soft and wispy looking!

  2. So so pretty :)) Wonder how many you will end up with :))
    Have a rosey weekend LOL...

  3. These flowers are gorgeous. I like the mohair yarn.
    Maybe you can make a scarf with those soft flowers.

    I am working on the flowers too at the moment. To make a cushion.

    Groetjes, Monique

  4. They're very pretty - I think they would make a lovely shawl. :)

  5. Wonderful and I love the colours !! Nice and soft.
    The first thing that springs to mind is a vest made from the connected roses, I think that would look so lovely.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs from The Netherlands.

  6. Your flowers are always so beautiful. Makes my day a little brighter!

  7. Så vakre roser. Jeg har aldri forsøkt å hekle slike, men nå vil jeg prøve meg. Ha en fin helg. D

  8. You shouldn't title your post like that Astri...then give your man access to the computer...=)

  9. You made a granny rose HEART! That's so adorable! I've haven't crocheted for's so painful this withdrawal! We have been so busy working on some house projects - organizing my craft/sewing room and then we went to IKEA and got shelves yesterday for another project. Plus with having the carpet cleaners here this week - it's been crazy and torn all apart here. I still haven't put our furniture and stuff back into our rooms. At least I can look at your beautiful blue roses. I think it would make a lovely scarf. Have a most happy weekend!

  10. What a beautiful colour Astri and you can see that the yarn is so soft and must feel so luxurious. Like Debi, I'm thinking beautiful shawl to drape over your shoulders and snuggle into:)

  11. Flotte roser du har heklet! Kjempefine farger:)
    Tusen takk for de hyggelige kommentarene du legger igjen hos meg:) Så gøy å kunne bidra til norskopplæringen - jeg skriver jo nynorsk til vanlig og på bloggen, men det er kanskje bokmål du bruker? Min engelsk er nok litt rusten, men jeg prøver så godt jeg kan å skrive noen linjer i hvert innlegg:)
    Fortsatt god helg til deg!

  12. Owwww,.,..yes a shawl or scarf...maybe a vest. It gets cold here in the winter and this just might be the ticket for some warm softness. :-)

  13. So pretty!! I made some flowers last year and decided to put it away to decide what to do with it... Now as I look at it this year I decided that it would make a great shawl... Inthinkmsometimes just sitting back and waiting a little the flowers will just tell you "where" they want to go... What they want to be ....:)

    1. I like that idea. I think you are right; they will tell me. :-) Thank you for your sweet comment.

  14. You are doing well to work with that yarn. A friend gave me some years ago but I found I could only crochet with it if I mixed it with an acrylic and worked the two together. It definitely does unfrog. :) Beautiful colors. Have a great day. Tammy

  15. They are lovely, Astri. Why don't you make a wall hanging with all these flowers bunched together. May be you can make something like the heart in the last pic. Whatever you do it will definitely turn out very pretty with these lovely roses.

  16. Very nice Astri!! Not really sure what you could make out of all of them..but I really love the way you placed them to make a heart..very nice!

  17. If it weren't too late, I'd say connect them on the final round and make a rosy wrap of some sort. What very delicious-looking yarn.

    If you MUST frog, it helps to pull downwards from the stitch, not upwards - if that makes sense. (I'm working out a pattern with a wool blend yarn that likes to hook onto itself, and when I frog it I hold the project up with my right hand, with the yarn hanging down, and pull straight down with my left hand.)

    1. It will be a while before I make anything out of them as I have A LOT of yarn left. :-) This yarn goes forever. I like the wrap idea. I will have to find a way to join them, I'm not very experienced with that.

      Ow, thank you for the frogging idea, I will try that next time I mess up. I knew you would know the "frog" word. ;-)

  18. Gorgeous roses the blue! I'd never heard of 'frogging' until I started crochet blogging. It's definitely undoing here in the UK :-)
    Look forward to seeing what you make with them.
    Carole x

    1. Haha, so it must be a UK crochet blogging term. The gal that taught me the word was actually referring to knitting so it must pertain to both arts :-)

      Nice to hear from you, as always, Carole. Have a lovely week.

  19. You have a really beautiful blog !
    Greeting from a "swiss" girl in Portugal.

    1. Hi Anna, How fun to run across a Swiss girl in Portugal! Thank you for visiting my blog and the nice compliment. I'm off to check our your blog. :-)

  20. You got me addicted to these a couple of months ago!!! I'[ve just blogged my first cushion I made, on to my second now. Thank you for sharing your obsession, they're so pretty, and I love how with different colour choices there is an infinite amount of possibilities.

  21. These are so adorable. ♥ I'v got the pattern in my crochetbinder! :-)

  22. Maybe you sew a heart-shaped cushion from matching fabric and sew these roses on, just like they are arranged on the photo? Anyway, they are soo lovely :-)

  23. Such a good idea! they look gorgeous in the mohair!
