
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Troll Stua aka Shed

There's been an "easy to procrastinate" project
 in the works since Spring 2011:
The Shed (aka Troll Stua) Clean-Up
It started with the revamping of a sun faded sign:
Then continued to the cleaning out of the shed itself:
(Hey, it's even been painted!)

BEFORE                                              AFTER
More "AFTERS":

This one is my favorite:
Yard Life=fertilizers, seeds etc.
Yard Death=weed killers, snail bait etc.
I dream of having the perfect little organizing thing going know, with all the matching containers and labels, like the cover of a organizing publication....
 I'm afraid; however, that I would never get much done and I do not like to run to the store to  purchase anything, let alone take the time to do so; hence, I have accepted that this may very well be the best it may ever get. 
I'm getting closer to being O.K. with that. ;-)

In addition to the revamped sign and some dejunking, organizing and labeling, the outside received some sprucing up, as well.
(What a difference a season makes; the first photo was taken in early Spring and the second photo was taken yesterday, in early Summer. It's no wonder Summer is so well-loved around here.)

BEFORE                                                                           AFTER

Have a Happy Summery Day!


  1. "Procrastination" was THE fashion word a few years ago in France. I laugh to see this word here !!
    I love your "before" - "after" !!
    Continue, it's a good idea ;-)

    1. That is hilarious - I'm laughing too. Who would have ever thought procrastination would have been a fashionable word. I must be quite fashionable on a day to day basis then!

  2. I love it!!! You place looks nice... and I love all your plants!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. hanks Shari. I was lucky that the several of those plants came back without trying. Haha, that doesn't generally happen - good thing I procrastinated cleaning out the pots last year. :-) The mint, lavender, oregano and tarragon all came back - it's nothing short of a miracle.

      Thank you also for following my adventures and all your sweet comments. :-)

  3. Oh yes! Summer really does make a difference. So bright and beautiful! I need to get organized but it just takes so much time, so I just tidy up, shove all the extra stuff in drawers and cupboards and pretend the mess doesn't exist. Out of sight out of mind. :/ I have the whole summer to procrastinate about it. :) Have a great day. Tammy

    1. The system you describe is very similar to mine. I have to muster up every ounce of energy to tackle these types a projects...I would rather bake, cook, crochet, sip on a cup o' joe and chat with the NVO.

      You have a great day too, Tammy. I always look forward to your comments.

  4. Trollstua var flott. Og for en god orden det ble. Jeg liker også sommer best. I går kjøpte jeg en blomst som het Apple blossom. Da tenkte jeg på deg. Ha det godt. D

    1. Tusen takk! How sweet of you to think of me when you purchased the Apple Blossoms. The neighborhood where we live was once an apple orchard...many years ago, probably before I was born. :-(

      Summer is best, yes! Seems to me that my Norwegian relatives and friends all like Summer best, even though they all seem to love to ski. :-)

  5. I had plants come back this year too! I'm thinking it was our relatively mild winter. I love all your before and after shots! The inside of the shed looks fabulous! And that sign! How cute is that? Yes, the growing season is a magical time. I hate the heat, but I love the lush greenery and pretty flowers! Why can't it just be 72 degrees all the time? You must feel great now that this project has been accomplished and is no longer hanging over your head! I have a shed...there's no's the man cave and he's a terrible keeper of the shed! LOL Hugs, Annette

    1. Ahhhhh...72 degrees would be nice. I think that's what happens in San Diego. Shed/Man Cave- I think that's what's sort of been going on in our shed, too, due to the fact the it housing a lot of the "man stuff" i.e., fishing and camping gear. He thought the shed was fine the way it was. hehe. Fortunately though, the man does like to garden; he's probably the only reason why the garden thrives. :-)

      Wishing you continued luck with your garden and stay cool. :-)

  6. Great job! I love the Yard Life and Yard Death bins. We have the organizing dream in our house, the "someday" bug.

    1. Ah, yes the "someday" bug; I caught it a long time ago and can't seem to shake it. :-)

      Glad you like the Yard bins...the fonts made me laugh..the death font is called "Chiller".

      Thank you for your comment, makes me smile. :-0

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh, lovely shed !
    Have a marvelous weekend :)
    (it's better with this googl account, for a comment !!)
