
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kosestua #10 - Grand Finale

The Kosestua in its "almost completed" stage:
It's not really a "Man Cave" anymore....
but I think the caveman likes it. :-)

This is what it was like before:
Dark and crowded.

And now it's like this:

This is the NVO's side.

 And this is my side.
(Please savor the order and cleanliness as it does not look like this now. :-) )

This is "my space" where I...
blog, work,
and ponder about the thoughtfulness of dear friends in lands far away. :-)
(And make a mess.)
that's it for the "Kosestua" series. 

Thank you for visiting and...

Have a Cozy Day!!!

See you next week for an exciting crochet post about another dear blogging friend's CAL. :-)


  1. I Kosestua ble det skikkelig koselig. Jeg er sikker på at Hulemannen vil like seg der. Det var en stor make-over. Du har vært flink. Klem, D

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  3. And so he should like it Astri it looks like a cool, calm and peaceful space congratulations you have done a great job and! will be easy to keep clean ha ha, can't wait to hear about the CAL have you seen the one I'm following.

  4. Super room Astri.....I could sit and crochet in there quite easily! Good to see the pin cushion is of some use...haha!
    Carole x

  5. Although I do love that Santa Fe looking blanket/rug on the wall in the before shot, the room is definitely much more light, bright and cheery now. Your space is definitely cozy. And your previous post on the family tree was so cute! Great idea. Have a wonderful day. Tammy

  6. How pretty and cozy. I would get in their with a cup of tea and my crochet hook and never come out!

  7. Congratulations, Astri! Everything looks wonderful, so bright and cheery.

  8. Les tons des couleurs sont très agréables. Voilà un endroit bien harmonieux pour bloguer avec plaisir.
    Bonne semaine Astri !

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Wow, so many awesome comments. You are all so kind and supportive. Thank you all very much.
    We watched "The Muppet Movie" in there this weekend and it was nice to have the space set aside to hang out.

  11. I do love that pillow fabric and the new colour scheme. Now I just need to go back and read the posts I've missed. Enjoy!

    1. I've missed you Mrs. M - glad you are back and thank you for reading my past posts. :-)

  12. How adorable! It is beautiful and such a pleasant place to watch TV, blog and/or crochet! I'm sure your hubby and family love it.

    1. How nice of you, Sandy. We've been spending a lot of time in there. I moved the living room sofa in there so we could practice our ballroom dancing in the living room. Haha, people that stop by are perplexed at the lack of furniture in the living room aka the ballroom.

  13. I love your new space!!! Thanks for opening your home for all to see!! I love it when people do this... give ideas for the things we would like to change!! Have a wonderful day and enjoy your new room :)Shari

    1. Thanks Shari! I always wonder if anyone is interested, but I agree I like seeing other bloggers homes too. So far, we are enjoying the room, but it's getting messy again...that's ok. I will straighten up this weekend. :-)

  14. You've done a great job! It looks so calm and clear, I'd say Nordic :o)

  15. what a wonderful transformation. I adore you pincushion in the photo....what a clever idea. BTW, I popped over from T's blog to see new blogs. Yours is lovely!

    1. Thanks Yarni. :-) T's blog is awesome! I also checked our your aawesome blog and did not find a "Follow" button, but I will be checking in. That exam room table photo is a hoot...and he's on his phone. haha!
