
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Employment Comfort

Sometimes I am fortunate enough to work from home...
sometimes I'm not. 
I like to be home.
So the decision was made to make work seem more like home
 in an effort to confuse my brain as to where I might be:

This helps:
A cushion slip cover for my white IKEA chair:
SKRUVSTA Swivel chair IKEA Height adjustable for a comfortable sitting posture.
Oh no! Now the IKEA obsession reaches out beyond the home into the workplace.
Po' co-workers.
The NVO was so kind as to let me take the rosemaled clock he made from this post, to work, and that's where I received the inspiration for the color scheme.
Po' NVO.

You can find step-by-step photo directions to make something similar to this here 
at the delightful Karin aan de haak blog. It's in Dutch but with the combination of translator and the photos it's easy to follow. 
This photo is from the back side showing the "lip" that fits over the cushion.
Do you like dealing with this part as much as I do?
Why do I forget to crochet the ends in as I go?
I suppose I get too excited and something shuts down in my brain. :-)

And get this:
My boss lady let me choose the paint color for the former closet converted into my office.
 Benjamin Moore "White Satin" was the color, of course.
(Same as the lighter Kosestua paint color)
I don't even know I am at work anymore...
better not wear pj's by accident.


  1. Så lekre farger. Både på klokka og setetrekket til IKEA - stolen. Må være fint å være på jobb når det ser sånn ut der. D

  2. Your colors just sing out to me with joy! I can't get enough of a sugar candy high until I visit you. Beautiful cushion! I like your suggestion to pair my Rose Garden throw with Jingle Bells and Candy Cane throws. I'm off to take some photos!!!!

    1. How "sweet" is that! I am excited to see your paired photos.

  3. Love the chair cushion. You have such a flare for color. So happy, cheerful. Brings smiles to any day!

    1. Color is so fun! I just copied what was in my husbands clock painting so I can't really take credit for putting these colors together, although I wish I could. :-)

      Your comments bring happiness, cheerfulness and smiles to my day!

  4. Beautiful cushion!
    I love the pattern. - will be checking out the link now..!
    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Thanks Annaboo. :-) The link has the most lovely cushion. A week of enjoyment to you, as well!

  5. That's a beautiful cushion. I will tell you a secret... sometimes, when I've crocheted a cushion cover, I don't sew in the ends at all. No-one can see them, after all!

    1. Hey, that's a novel idea! Why didn't I think of that. tee hee. Thank you for your comment. :-)

  6. Beautiful as usual, I love the colors!!

    1. Thanks Barbara. If you like the colors then it is confirmed that they are good colors. I'm still swooning over your Spring mandala and spiral coaster colors :-)

  7. It's beautiful Astri, matches the colours of the clock exactly :)

    1. Aw, thanks Linda. It's always good to have yarn stash with lots of colors to match up. ;-)

  8. That is a wonderful idea... bring a little home to work... Maybe others at work will do the same and make it a cozy little place to work..Shari!!!!

    1. That would be so awesome. It actually is a pretty cozy place to work, I just need a little extra kick as I love being home. :-)

  9. Hi Astri - I don't know if people are still sending you pics of their crocheted granny roses but I finished another blanket and cushion last week (at the bottom of this post and am now on yet another cushion - they make fantastic gifts and are so quick to do. The roses on their own make lovely brooches, with felt leaves underneath. Thanks again for all your inspiration and your great blog. Chris x

    1. Very nice job Chris and thank you for the nice compliment. I have added your beautiful set to the CAL page at the top of the post. The rose brooches sound lovely! Let me know if you ever post a photo of one.

  10. How nice to have a little piece of home at work :-) I love the colors in your cushion cover. I'm also terrible about sewing in the ends as I go. Why do we do it?!

    1. You are right, Kate. It is nice to have a little piece of work at home. Ha, ha..yes the ends, the bane of the crocheter's existence!

  11. I really like that pop of orange. A great colour combo all around.

    I think PJs might be okay for Casual Friday....

    1. Someday I must do something in purple, as I really like that color too. It's been a newly added wardrobe color and it's so....regal. :-) I picture it with orange, pink and green.....hmmmmm....a new project may be in the wings now that I think of it.

      Most of the folks I work with wear scrubs to work so I suppose they are already in PJs, but my job is non-clinical so I am not allowed. Darn! I like the Friday idea though.

  12. I love your latest crochet creation, the colours and pattern are gorgeous! I had to laugh about the ends as I do exactly the same thing and I always get annoyed with myself for not tidying them as I go.

    Have a fab week,

    1. Ah yes, the never-ending ends. When I am crocheting something new it's so fun to see how it is transforming into something that I just don't want to delay the instant gratification and decide later is better. Oh well, at least later generally comes. :-)

      Thank you for your sweet comment, and wishing you a week of fabulousness (probably not a word)!

  13. Hi Astri!
    Thank you for your message!
    Your cushion slip cover is fabulous, great colour combination!
    I'm surprised and glad at the same time you managed to translate the Dutch crochet abacadabra. Some blog visitors complain they don't understand a word of it.
    Like the clock too!

    1. Hello Karin,

      Thank you for the kind words. :-)

      Perhaps since I sort of speak Norwegian and I have a good friend who is Dutch as well as a friend who is Flemish that speaks Dutch, it comes a little easier for me? I don't know. Mostly your beautiful photos helped me.

      I love your blog and look forward to continuing to follow your adventures.



  14. Ha-Ha! So nice that you are able to spruce up your office space. I had my own office for the past 4 years but with some remodeling going on at school over the summer, I might be sharing this next school year and I'm not too happy about that. The cushion looks great. Tomorrow is one week into our summer vacation and hubby is already jealous to come home and find us all in pajamas. He just can't stand that he has to work and we get to play all day. That's my benefit of working at the same school our boys attend. :) Hope your day is great. Tammy

    1. How wonderful to work at the school that your boys attend! I bet it's nice to have them close. I love the "all day PJ" idea. Sometimes I get dressed right before my husband comes home when I work from home. If he reads this comment he will know my secret and he will probably be jealous too. ;-)

  15. Det leser jeg! Når vet jeg hva du gjører om dagen! ;-)

  16. You are so wonderfully talented with your use of colors. Love love your blog and all the wonderful projects and inspirations that you create. I live in a Senior Citizen Co Op and thinking about using these colors to make a pillow and afghan to raffle off here. Thanks for the great ideas.

    1. That makes me feel so good, thank you so much and you are very welcome! I do not know what a Senior Citizen Co Op is but it sounds very nice. It also sounds like a place I would like to purchase raffle tickets so that I could have a chance at winning your crocheted items. :-)

  17. Wow.....adore this Astri! Fabulous pattern....I'm going to have to give this a go for sure! Perfect match to your clock!
    Have a great weekend :-)
