
Friday, May 25, 2012


Pardon me as I feel compelled to pause and boast as
today at 1:00 PM we became 100% DEBT FREE...including the house!!!
After three years of working Dave Ramsey's plan we finally made it.
Dave's 13 week Financial Peace University course cost us $100 dollars and that's the smartest fun coupon we ever spent.

We cannot thank you enough, Mr. Ramsey for helping us change our lives,
now we hope to help and encourage others to do the same.

All prepared and ready to hit the enter button for our last on-line payment.
That's a count-down calendar there at the bottom of the photo.
Our friends gave us this preset digital calendar, many months ago,
when we shared with them that May 25th was to be our BIG day.
And to make today even more special, these same awesomely supportive friends, gave us the above celebration gift. They remembered and tracked the day. Can you believe it? They even snapped a photo of our home whilst we were away at work one day, stamped it "PAID IN FULL" and here it is! 
(Now those are the kind of friends to cherish.)

Little Bug gave us this cute card with a very special message written inside.
I suspect she might be excited at the prospect of not having
 to take care of us when we grow old.

We are so grateful to everyone that supported our weirdness through the last several years
we are also so grateful to be born in countries where this dream can become a reality.
We are truly fortunate!
Awwwww...sweet, sweet freedom!


  1. Congratulations to you both - I think you deserve it and now you can take pleasure in owning your beautiful home ... I wish you many happy years there. Elizabeth x

  2. Congratulations on reaching your debt free goal! Hubby and I lived fairly fugal (socked all of Hubby's salary increases into savings over the years) so we could pay off our home before retirement and we did it too. it's a great feeling and you will love it. Just got home from our 38th anniversary dinner. I wore an outfit I had been keeping in my closet for years that was too small but fit me beautifully now with my weight loss this past year. That's another wonderful feeling! Enjoy your home now that it is paid for!!!

  3. That IS great news! Congratulations! I know your feeling the freedom.

  4. What a wonderful feeling and what wonderful friends! I'm very happy for you both. I can picture you dancing around the house and singing "We're In The Money".... :)

  5. Thank you all for sharing in our joy! Now it's time to save for retirement which is not so far away...

  6. Félicitations joyeux propriétaires !!!!!!!!

  7. Astri, Thankyou for the inspiration! We are not so far away from retirement, but due to a move we made a couple years ago that didn't work out we have quite a long way to go before we own our home! With hubbie now 63 & me just turned 50, this is inspiring to hear! Congrats to you both.

  8. Congratulations! We're debt free too, but only because we're renting, hee hee!

  9. Congratulations Astri, it's a wonderful feeling knowing it's all yours. I own mine too, you would think it would inspire me to do more housework wouldn't you but funnily enough it hasn't worked that way ha ha, have a lovely weekend I will drink a toast to you this evening (any excuse) :)

  10. Hurra! Congratulations, Astri. Well done! We aren't even close of being debt free, but since I work in the Army, I don't have to worry about my pension. That's good to know. Enjoy your debt free days! :o)

  11. Congratulations! That is an accomplishment that some never achieve. Working hard for what you have, budgeting and being frugal when necessary is something everyone could learn from. My in-laws always paid cash for everything they had and that's what we are doing, too. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  12. Congratulations! Well done!
    Carole :-)
