
Monday, April 30, 2012

Rosemaling Camp

The NVO and I just returned from *Rosemaling Camp in Alta, California,
where we learned to paint these clocks:
The NVO's                                                                   Astri's

This is how it all went down with the NVO's project:
The progression of the NVO's clock.
This is the Os style of rosemaling.
So pretty!!!
The NVO's work station.
This is Karen, the NVO's teacher.
Karen is one point away from being a Gold Medalist in Rosemaling!
She was such a good teacher with a great sense of humor-
perfect for the NVO.

And this is how it all went down with my project:
The progression of my clock.
This is an old Telemark design.
I definitely needs some stroke practice and I would have liked to lighten it up a bit. :-)
And this is my teacher, Mardella, holding her finished clock.
An incredibly talented lady,
and a truly a beautiful project.
I learned that it is just as important to paint the back of the project. :-)
I like that idea!

*This is the 54th Rosemaling Seminar at Camp Norge and our second time attending.
It is held twice a year; in April and September.
59 students including 3 men, bless their hearts!
Rosemaling started with a man so I love that the tradition lives on.

We just can't say enough about this fun-filled weekend...but for me I just can't get over that this weekend is only $85 and that includes the project, the instruction and the FOOD!
And $16 a night to stay in the dorms.
(Nevermind the $4.11 per gallon for fuel to travel there- a nine hour drive for us.)
For posts from the last years seminar click here, here and here.
Thanks again, Camp Norge...
See you next time!


  1. Both clocks look very nice - you both did a great job painting. :)

  2. C'est ravissant, j'aime, j'aime, j'aime !!!
    9 heures de route, wahouuuuuuuu, il faut aimer ! Jamais je n'arriverais à décider mon mari à faire ce trajet simplement pour créer de magnifiques objets :( Bravo NVO ;-)

    1. Oui, Bravo!

      Peut-être votre mari pourrait trouver quelque chose de beau à faire et qu'il était intéressé?

  3. I'm impressed with your painted clock! Well done! And what a fun weekend that must have been. We're sort of packed for our trip tomorrow however we can't leave until the UPS truck comes...hope it's not too late so we (that is hubby) isn't driving too late at night. I decided - so far - to use three different green shades of yarn in my Christmas Granny Rose throw. Got to go!

    1. Oh yes, it was so fun. I am lucky he is willing to drive the whole time and then he will paint with me...but then again I am willing to go to the shooting range and go ice fishing with him, hehe. I do actually like those activities too, though. :-)

      I can't wait to see your Christmas afghan - it will look so good with "Storm Clouds".

  4. Wow - so beautiful. I think I could handle the NVO's design but yours would floor me - I can't do asymmetry. Awesome job on both!

    If you ever have another giveaway, these would make wonderful gifts....


    1. Tee, hee - you crack me up: giveaway. I wish I would have been in the same class as the NVO, but we did not want to come home with the same project again. I like symmetry, as well - but I sacrificed for my dear hubby. ;-)

  5. Oh they are both awesome.....sounds like you had a good time. That's a long time to be travelling!
    Carole :-)
