
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Northern European Canister

A lovely Christmas giftcard from TJ Maxx was burning a hole in my pocket.
I must spend it before I lose it, right?
(I suppose I should define "it", hehe.)

This is what I found today:
Of all the strange things, it's a canister.

I can hide a new crochet project in there. ;-)
(Announcement coming soon!)

It's by Fitz and Floyd.
Online it's $58 at Amazon and at TJ Maxx it was $19.99.
A gift and a bargain!
It looks sort of Norwegian or Swedish to me, but in all reality it's probably Swiss or German...or maybe French as roosters are a part of the collection, too. It's called "Glennbrook" so that really didn't give me a clue; does it give you a clue?

Which country do you think has influenced this design? 


  1. I have no idea about the country of origin but it looks just like Astri. The colors are incredibly you. Good find, but you will need a much bigger hiding place for new crochet projects.

  2. It's a very pretty little canister. I think I would hide some goodies in there, but then it would probably be empty a lot of the time because I've been eating a lot of goodies lately. :) Hope your day is great. Tammy

  3. Thank you to the both of you! There is no way treats would last very long in there at all. They may be hidden...but would know they would be there. ;-)

  4. Oh, j'aurai plus imaginé cette boite renfermer des biscuits. Personnellement, je verrai plutôt une origine vers l'Europe de l'Est. La pente aiguë du toit m'y fait songer. Et la fleur dessinée ressemble fort à des dessins alsaciens pour l'est de la France, mais qui sont d'origine allemande, voire autrichienne.
    Désolée Astri, j'écris tout ceci en français :( Too difficult for me to explain in english :(
    Bonne soirée

  5. It's perfect for you! The roof is decidedly tole-ish, but I see what you mean about the Swiss connection (and I see that c.m. above thinks some of it shows Alsatian / German / Austrian influence). Probably some kind of international conglomerate.

    Are you working on another gorgeous flower blanket?
