
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fat to Fit to PHAT

It's that time of year again when I make the same resolutions that I make every year...the same resolutions that most folks make. You know, the ones related to getting in better shape financially and physically. :-) Well, the NVO and I have had many conversations about starting a blog together, a blog about these resolutions that so many of us make, in hopes it will keep us on track and maybe inspire other like-minded souls. In any case, we have decided the time may be right now with a fresh start in 2012.

We believe 2012 is going to the best year ever!
Our blog went "live" today. It's called "Fat to Fit to PHAT". Some folks may think that P.H.A.T., is an acronym for "Pretty Hot And Tempting", which may end up being the case...ya' never know what could happen when a determined couple set some lofty goals! But in our reality P.H.A.T stands for "Promoting Health, Activity and Thrift". You can find us here:

I will continue to blog about crocheting, Norway, the domestic arts, love and home in the "Apple Blossom Dreams" blog. But when it comes to thrift, eating healthy, exercising, and other such related items that we have WAY too much to say about, I will post along with the NVO and Little Bug (#6) in our new blog "FAT TO FIT TO PHAT". We're hoping you will take a peek and keep in mind that it is a work in progress and will change and grow...just like us!

Happy, Happy, Happy 2012!
May all your resolutions create an exciting new adventure for you!


  1. You and the NVO sure are likeminded folk. I keep trying to sway my husband to my way of thinking on so many things but we are polar opposites. I look forward to visiting your phat blog and seeing what ya'll have to say. Wishing you a great new week. Blessings, Tammy

  2. How fun! I never knew what Phat stood for and now I can choose between 2 definitions. Looking forward to reading the new blog.

  3. You two are so awesome. Thank you so much for your interest. :-)
