Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jailhouse Crochet???

This arrived on our front porch

I am simultaneously amused and perplexed.
The sentence "The yarn inventory has reached an all-time low" has me especially curious. 
Perhaps, crochet works its therapy on inmates, as well as, perimenopausal women???
I always suspected crochet had it's magical rehabilitating powers, now it's been confirmed!

Well, anyway, "K" and I looked at this as a great "house cleaning" opportunity and contacted this young man in regards to our yarn donations. A charming young man with a bright countenance and a big smile showed up within minutes to collect for his worthy cause.

We did, however; keep our stash of bright colored and black yarn to make a stained glass heart afghan for our friend who is very sick.
See the next post for an introduction to the stained glass heart afghan project as this one deserves a post of its own.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the same thing: What's wrong with cotton? Perhaps they have not experienced the joy of making and giving a dish/wash cloth. IMHO teaching with cotton certainly could "hook" more than 100 inmates. :-)
