Dreams of Bunad Memories
That's me in the middle with Mor and Sis.
We are wearing our "everyday" bunads.

That's me in the middle with Mor and Sis.
We are wearing our "everyday" bunads.
Bunads are the National Costume of Norway. Each region (fylker) has it's own costume. There are 19 main regions in Norway and within each region there are smaller areas where the bunads differ from the main 19 regions. I am from Kristiansund N., part of the Nordmøre region. It gets a little confusing, as these bunads to which I refer, are "real" bunads and are very expensive ($5,000 - $10,000). They are often given, by the parents, at confirmation into the Lutheran church at 14 years of age. Additionally, there are "everyday" bunads, that are not specific to a certain region, but are also popular and much more affordable. To me, they all exude the warmth and charm of tradition-rich Norway.

Wearing my mothers' bunad from Nordmøre
My mother in her bunad
2010 - This is my "everyday" Bunad.
The NVO inherited my fathers' "real" bunad (he becomes more Norsk with each passing moment).
The NVO inherited my fathers' "real" bunad (he becomes more Norsk with each passing moment).
Our friends are wearing "real" bunads, as well. They traveled to Norway to purchase their bunads. They love the bunads so much that they were wed in them. Bunads are typical wedding attire in Norway, and are also worn during the Norwegian Independence Day celebration on May 17th (Syttende Mai) each year.
Somehow we roped #6 into wearing an "everyday" bunad to the Norsk celebration.
What a trooper!
This is my mom with her two grandaughters in 1996.
#6 is on the bottom right - she does not look so happy.
These are "everyday" bunads.
1950's style bunad paper dolls that adorn the guest room walls
Bunad's Make Me Happy!!!
ReplyDeleteMorsomt at du skriver om bunader. Jeg har en grønn bunad fra Sør-Trøndelag. Mannen er fra Telemark, og jeg har begynt å kjøpe sølv til mannsdrakten fra Øst-Telemark. Det skal seksti sølvknapper til! Strømpene er jeg også begynt på. Naturhvite med masse flettemønster.
Ha en fortsatt fin dag :o)
Mange takk, Inga Helene. All though my mother and I are from Nordmøre my father's family is from Trøndelag; hence, I am very familiar with the Bunad from Trøndelag and they are beautiful. Hoping you will post about your man's bunad.